The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate basic matters such as the rights and obligations of the “Company” and “User” in using the ‘Smart Solity’ service provided by Solity Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows: ① “Smart Solity Service” (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) means the connection between the “Smart Door Lock” and the “Application (APP)” and services providing functions such as door lock control, history, monitoring, user invitation and management, and all related additional services. Details related to the “Services” are determined by Article 4. ② “Device” refers to any product that can be applied as “Service” as a smart door lock. However, the range of devices covered by the “Service” can vary according to the circumstances of the “Company”. ③ “Smart Solity Application” refers to an application installed on the smartphone of a “User” to use the “Service”. ④ “Company” refers to Solity Co., Ltd., which provides the “Services”. However, a third party designated by the “Company” may fulfill the obligations of the “Company” or become a beneficiary under this Terms and Conditions. ⑤ “User” refers to a person who uses the “Service” according to this Terms and Conditions. ⑥ “Manager” refers to the person who operates and manages the “Service”.
① The “Company” shall post the contents of this Terms of Use on the “Application” to allow easy understanding by “Users”. ② Changes occurred to this Terms of Use are to be notified via smartphone text messages.
① The contents of the “Services” available to the “Users” are as follows: 1. Remote door opening service: a service that allows users to remotely open the door by linking a smart door lock with the application 2. Smart opening solutions can be divided into “Smart Open” and “Smart Touch” as 2 types of opening solutions provided by Smart Solity 3. Smart open: a service that automatically opens the door when users approach the door lock with his/her smartphone 4. Smart touch: automatic door opening by touching the keypad closer to the door lock 5. Smart key sharing: convenient invitation service through text messages in the user-customized (personalized) key issuance service application (App) 6. Smart alarm: a service that provides real-time push notifications for the user’s family and his/her workplace 7. Smart history management: a service that records, reads, and manages all events occurring in the smart door lock 8. Smart key manager: supports management functions for users and each key remotely 9. Smart lock controller: smart door lock functions can be set remotely ② The contents and scope of “Services” may vary by country. ③ “Users” shall download and install updates frequently related to the software used in the “Service”. “User” agrees to download and install these updates as part of using the “Service”. In addition, users shall agree to remote and automatic upgrade by his/her “Smart Door Lock FirmWare” to ensure smooth service provision. ⑤ The types and contents of the “Services” provided by the “Company” may be changed or discontinued according to the internal policies of the “Company”.
① The service use contract is established by the “User’s” consent to the service use contract. ② Consent to the service terms of use is done at the time of application by pressing the confirmation button.
① Those willing to use the “Services” must provide all requested information (cellular phone number, etc.) by signing up as a service user. ② All “Users” must provide their own information to use the “Service”, and “Users” who have not registered true information, such as stealing other people’s information or registering false information, cannot claim any rights related to the use of the “Services” and may be punished according to related laws. ③ “Service” subscription can be made only through the true information of “Users”, and the “Company” can confirm the information registered by the “User”. The "User" must actively cooperate with the confirmation measures of the “Company”, and if they do not comply, the “Company” may treat the information registered by the “User as fraudulent. ④ Customers must accurately fill in or input service use application information. The personal information entered by the customer is considered to be the customer’s actual information, and customers who do not enter actual information cannot receive legal protection and are restricted from using the service.
In principle, the “Company” accepts the use of the service in accordance with the order of receipt related to the use application according to Articles 4 and 5, or when there is no problem related to performance or technology. The “Company” may withhold approval in the following cases: ① If users do not provide real personal information in the use application ② If the application is made for the purpose of violating laws or hindering social wellbeing, order, and morals ③ If it has the purpose of fraudulent of use ④ If the service is used to gain profits ⑤ In the case of an application by a “User” whose contract of use has been terminated due to violation of laws or terms and conditions ⑥ If violating other regulations.
① The service can be used from the time the “Company” accepts the application for use by the “User”. However, the service can be started from the designated date for applications for the same services. ② The “User” can use the service by downloading and installing the “Application” on the service-enabled smartphone designated by the “Company”. However, there may be differences in the composition and functions of the “Application” depending on the type of smartphone that can use the service and the type and version of the smartphone OS.
① The “Company” is only liable for direct damages among damages incurred to “Users” due to intentional or gross negligence of the “Company” in relation to the use of the service and is not liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages. ② “Service” push, notification, and alarms may be delayed or lost due to internet network instability or other circumstances by the telecommunications company. In such cases, the “Company” is not reliable for damages suffered by “Users”. ③ The “Company” shall not be held liable for any damage or failure to use the service due to reasons attributable to the “User”, such as the “User”’s violation of this Terms and Conditions or related laws. ④ The “Company” shall not be liable for damages incurred to “Users” when the service cannot be provided due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure.
① The “Company” may limit or suspend all or part of the service if it falls under any of the following cases: 1. System inspection, expansion, maintenance and replacement, etc. 2. If there is a disruption in normal service use due to power outages, failures in all facilities, or congestion in usage, etc. 3. If the provision of services is suspended due to a managerial decision by the “Company”, such as deterioration of business feasibility 4. If the “User” does not pay the service fee (when switching to paid service) 5. In the case of other unavoidable reasons, such as the suspension of telecommunications service by the telecommunications operator pursuant to the Telecommunications Business Act 6. If the “User” violates the obligations of the “User” stipulated in this Terms and Conditions ② The “Company” does not compensate “Users” for any modification, suspension, or change of some or all of the “Services” provided free of charge unless there are special provisions in the relevant laws.
① “Users” can cancel the service using the ‘My Account’ menu at the top right of the main screen. ② If the existing “User” moves out without initializing or terminating the service, the “Company” may terminate the service without the consent of the existing “User”, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the “User” prior to the initialization or termination. ③ The “Company” may terminate the service use contract if the “User” violates the obligations of the “User” stipulated in this Terms and Conditions. ④ Data related to existing “Users” will be collectively deleted after a certain period of time in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act upon the termination of service.
① The ”Company” will strive to provide stable services as stipulated in this Terms and Conditions and related laws. ② The “Company” takes possible measures to resume service when it is notified by “Users” that the service cannot be used. ③ The “Company” does not disclose or distribute the personal information of “Users” to a third party without the consent of the user. However, this is not applicable for legitimate procedures in accordance with the provisions of related laws, such as requests from ④ The “Company” may collect “User”’s information under the collection items and purpose of use stipulated in the privacy policy.
① “Users” must not use Smart Solution services for purposes other than smart home services. ② The “User” must install an internet line at the user’s expense to use this service and manage it for normal operation. ③ The device needs to be connected to a mobile network or internet to use the “Services”. “Users” are fully responsible for all costs that may be incurred for access or connection through such mobile network or internet in connection with the “Service”.